Sunday, November 17, 2013


Is she not the cutest thing ever? I am so happy to have found her! Bella is watching over her while she is being introduced to the herd.  So far only my mares have met her.  She is playing the over-protective mother. Bella even let her eat some of her grain,  and to know Bella you must realize how difficult that would be for her... I really think she wants to be a mama herself...
No name yet for the little one. I'm not gonna rush it..... I want to have the perfect name for her. I have a feeling she will be around for many years.  Good day... from Small Wonders

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lust for life...

I've been home about a week, having completed my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.  I haven't written anything as of yet, mainly because I'm still trying to process just exactly what it is I've done.  Sure, I know I crossed the entire country of Spain by foot, via France, about 800 km's.  I've climbed and descended a couple of mountains.  I've had knee injuries, self diagnosed tendonitis, blisters of mammoth proportions, and developed a fierce relationship to any wine from the Rioja region.  I awoke daily, not really knowing where I was, but that only I knew I was to walk.  I didn't really know where it was I was going, how many kilometers I would cover, or what town I would spend that night.  I only knew that I would head west, toward the all consuming goal to reach Santiago.  It became quite comforting to be so focused.  A determination or will  that I've never recognized in myself.  And I think I've just now come to the realization that this determination has been here all along, in me.  Why it took a 37 day walk across Spain to see this, I have no idea.  Maybe it was the countless hours I've spent just looking, thinking, being aware of the present.  Certainly trying not to ponder the past, nor to plan for the future, but rather, just to BE.  I thought (pre Camino) that cancer was the toughest thing I had gone through, but I now know I was wrong.  My pilgrimage by far was the most toughest complicated  thing I've ever accomplished in my life... hands down... no contest.  And I think the reason I was able to complete this goal of mine, is because of the people who I met along the way.  These amazing people that are soooo different from me, and yet so similar.  These people that I will probably never see again, (although I certainly hope to) reminded me of what its like to enjoy life,  and to remind me that it's okay to not take life too seriously. I'm so grateful to have met these other pilgrims. Coming from countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Palestine, Israel, USA, Australia, and of course Canada. In a lot of ways these people gave me just the right amount of encouragement to finish what I set out to do.
  So, will things go back to "normal", now that I'm home.  I hope not.  I hope I'm changed enough that this experience stays with me forever.  Enough that it reminds me what an incredible gift life really is, and to recognize that fact daily.... and to never take this "wonderful" world for granted.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu,

Cannot sleep, so decided to post one last blog before I take off on Wednesday for my pilgrimage. This last week has been fairly busy, getting things in order.  And I'm still not ready.  My back pack is about 2 pounds heavier than it should be, so I'm kind of stressing about that.  I know 2 pounds doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me.... it is.  I guess when I get over there, and start walking, I will have an idea of what I can get rid of, what will seem unnecessary.  Right now, it all seems necessary.  I'm not even bringing any reading material!!! Very nervous about that, but I think for this journey it will be better to journal than to read. Plus, it forces myself to socialize more.   I've decided not to blog about my Camino, as Wifi service will certainly be unreliable... Instead, I plan to write about it when I get back.... Who knows... a book one day????? We will see.
I will be back in roughly 6 weeks (end of October)  I know it sounds like a long time, but really it isn't.  In the grande scheme of things, it really isn't.  There is cream in my fridge that will still be good when I return so....that idea puts things in perspective.
  Thank you to everyone who have been so supportive of my journey.  I'm not going to single any one person out, you know who you are.  It means so much to me that you all have taken such a keen interest in this little endeavor of mine.  I will be thinking about you all ( one thing I will have is plenty of time to think).  Please feel free to message me, as unfortunately I will have my cell phone with me.  Practicality dictates my bringing one.  Text me with any random  thoughts (519 566 9555)

Hasta Luego

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jill Barber... a modern day Edith Piaf


Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Friday, August 30, 2013

To tiptoe...

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.  Tiptoe if you must, but take your step~  unknown

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Of course the Beatles!!!!

A heated debate... yes i know... but really.  Is there any contest?  THE BEATLES by far rule!
Volume WAY up on this one... Good Evening... from Small Wonders.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm ready......

Probably one of my favourite artists..... Ms Tracy Chapman is in da house....

Volume up

The world needs MORE Tracy Chapman... Good Evening... from Small Wonders