Sunday, April 28, 2013

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Because life is never dull around here at Small Wonders, it turns out that my Janie-Mare was pregnant after all!!  Ya... I know.  I just thought she was putting on too much weight!  So, after being 10 days overdue, she finally gave birth 04/26 just past midnight to a colt, and she did it all by herself.  What a champ she is! And the little one is ALL legs.  Now I need a name for him....

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Woman to Emulate

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Frida lied!

There has been an injustice in the miniature donkey world!  It turns out, after having Frida home for a couple of days, we've discovered that SHE is a HE!!!!  I kid you not.  I know I am a total LOSER for bringing home the wrong sex of animal, but in my defense, I feel I have been duped!   Let me explain....

So... I find an ad on Kijiji, advertising one year old, chocolate brown JENNY.  (female)  The price was very reasonable, so I hopped in my truck, with trailer down the 401 to Woodstock.  When I arrive at the farm, the Jenny is in a pen, with her mom and dad.  She is a year old, and has yet to be weaned from her mama.  Not only that, she has never been handled by a human.  Imagine my concern, as I then begin to wonder how is it that I'm going to separate her from parents, halter her, and load her into the trailer.  I did bend down, ever so slightly, to look under her tail for evidence of her being female.  Having not seen any "dingle-berries" (ie testciles), I proceeded to the task at hand.  Luckily, a good looking farm-hand was near by to give me a hand, and the process went relatively smoothly, and we were going down the road in less than 30 minutes.!!  
  So... the first day Frida spent her time in the round pen, letting the horses look at her.  She was having a great time running circles, and rolling in the sand.  Totally loving life!  The next day, we did the same.  Brought her out to the round pen, and did a little "training".  I put her halter on and off quite a few times throughout the day.  We practiced leading, yielding to pressure... things of this nature.  She was doing an amazing job!  Then, that evening, I brought her into the barn to spend the night in a stall.  Erik was watering and feeding her, when I hear those bone chilling words he uttered... "Uh hon..... have you seen this donkey pee, because females don't pee like this"!!  So, I run to go fetch a flash light, and shine the spot on her "nether" region.  "No honey, there are NO testicles!!  I said.  And Erik replied," Look Closer"  Then I proceeded to get on my back, get right under her, and sure as shit, I saw IT.  The only other tell-tale sign of manhood..... (THE LIPSTICK)
  Tears quickly followed....  The next morning, I get up, go to the barn, and Fred (because I can't call him Frieda any longer) is not in his stall.  So I look in the stall next to him, and turns out he crawled into the stall next to him trying to charm my cutting mare, Janie....  The poor girl had to put up with the little stallion of  a donkey all night... She was some pissed at him!!!  That, I must admit, gave me the first great laugh of the day!  
  So... a long story cut short, Fred is back in Woodstock at his former owner....I think what I regret most about the whole transaction is how good of a donkey he was.  He was soooo smart.  I had him leading quite decently, he loaded on and off the trailer like a champ!  And his "hee haw", was the cutest thing ever!!  Oh well, the search continues for the perfect Jenny.  
Good Day... from Small Wonders

The koolest man alive..

Watch "Jack White - Love Interruption" on YouTube

Good Morning. .. from Small Wonders

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Probably in my top five of favourite movies...ever.
Love the messages this movie conveys;   the pursuit of absolute perfection in every single act you do is a lost art,  much like the way of the samurai warrior.  Nobility and dignity can be obtained if you make the right choices in life, and that every single person in your life will be the better for it.  Good Evening... from Small Wonders