Monday, November 5, 2012

The next family member, almost called "Muffin"

I kid you not.  My husband had the idea of giving his horse the most feminine name possible.  Luckily, after begging him to change his name, he did.  Although, what he landed on is not quite a stretch.  He chose" Buck" for a barn name, but his colour is buckskin.  Not very much thought went into that decision.  But strangely, oddly, it works for him.  Mind you, after all the fiasco in naming him, more often than not, we seem to use his nick-names more than anything when addressing him.  "Old Man"  "Slouch"  "Couch" "Buckeroo".  They all work for him.  His registered name is "Nitro Gambler".  His sire was a pretty cool horse, and he was called "Stamp" by his owner.  He had a really cool mind, and alot of his traits were past down to his progeny. And his colour.  Amazing.  He goes from a really light colour in the summer, to a really dark colour in the fall/winter.   Quite an interesting study really.  I love this guy, even though he is not my horse.  He is so laid back, and nothing much seems to faze him.  He always seems to get all the food he wants, and doesn't seem to bother with all the politics of herd mentality.  He doesn't care if he is second in command, or low man in the ranks.  He eats exactly what he wants to, and if he gets kicked in the process from a dominate mare.... well so be it . He  is a horse that has some really high speed gears.  It's so fun to run him in the barrels!  He's so comfy.  His stride is rather elongated, which really helps with the level of comfort.  Almost like the proverbial barcalounger!    In the spring, he forgets he is a gelding,  and tries to breed all the mares here.  We don't interfere with this.  It's really no harm.  It's not like he can produce any off spring.  I think if we could somehow convey to him, that he is not a stallion, he would be embarrassed.  So... we let him think he is the "Stud Muffin" he claims to be.   He is tough, he is lovey, he's quirky, and the only animal around here that produces testosterone, other than Erik!!!!  So.... here is the man, Buck.....

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