Sunday, November 17, 2013


Is she not the cutest thing ever? I am so happy to have found her! Bella is watching over her while she is being introduced to the herd.  So far only my mares have met her.  She is playing the over-protective mother. Bella even let her eat some of her grain,  and to know Bella you must realize how difficult that would be for her... I really think she wants to be a mama herself...
No name yet for the little one. I'm not gonna rush it..... I want to have the perfect name for her. I have a feeling she will be around for many years.  Good day... from Small Wonders

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lust for life...

I've been home about a week, having completed my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.  I haven't written anything as of yet, mainly because I'm still trying to process just exactly what it is I've done.  Sure, I know I crossed the entire country of Spain by foot, via France, about 800 km's.  I've climbed and descended a couple of mountains.  I've had knee injuries, self diagnosed tendonitis, blisters of mammoth proportions, and developed a fierce relationship to any wine from the Rioja region.  I awoke daily, not really knowing where I was, but that only I knew I was to walk.  I didn't really know where it was I was going, how many kilometers I would cover, or what town I would spend that night.  I only knew that I would head west, toward the all consuming goal to reach Santiago.  It became quite comforting to be so focused.  A determination or will  that I've never recognized in myself.  And I think I've just now come to the realization that this determination has been here all along, in me.  Why it took a 37 day walk across Spain to see this, I have no idea.  Maybe it was the countless hours I've spent just looking, thinking, being aware of the present.  Certainly trying not to ponder the past, nor to plan for the future, but rather, just to BE.  I thought (pre Camino) that cancer was the toughest thing I had gone through, but I now know I was wrong.  My pilgrimage by far was the most toughest complicated  thing I've ever accomplished in my life... hands down... no contest.  And I think the reason I was able to complete this goal of mine, is because of the people who I met along the way.  These amazing people that are soooo different from me, and yet so similar.  These people that I will probably never see again, (although I certainly hope to) reminded me of what its like to enjoy life,  and to remind me that it's okay to not take life too seriously. I'm so grateful to have met these other pilgrims. Coming from countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Palestine, Israel, USA, Australia, and of course Canada. In a lot of ways these people gave me just the right amount of encouragement to finish what I set out to do.
  So, will things go back to "normal", now that I'm home.  I hope not.  I hope I'm changed enough that this experience stays with me forever.  Enough that it reminds me what an incredible gift life really is, and to recognize that fact daily.... and to never take this "wonderful" world for granted.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu,

Cannot sleep, so decided to post one last blog before I take off on Wednesday for my pilgrimage. This last week has been fairly busy, getting things in order.  And I'm still not ready.  My back pack is about 2 pounds heavier than it should be, so I'm kind of stressing about that.  I know 2 pounds doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me.... it is.  I guess when I get over there, and start walking, I will have an idea of what I can get rid of, what will seem unnecessary.  Right now, it all seems necessary.  I'm not even bringing any reading material!!! Very nervous about that, but I think for this journey it will be better to journal than to read. Plus, it forces myself to socialize more.   I've decided not to blog about my Camino, as Wifi service will certainly be unreliable... Instead, I plan to write about it when I get back.... Who knows... a book one day????? We will see.
I will be back in roughly 6 weeks (end of October)  I know it sounds like a long time, but really it isn't.  In the grande scheme of things, it really isn't.  There is cream in my fridge that will still be good when I return so....that idea puts things in perspective.
  Thank you to everyone who have been so supportive of my journey.  I'm not going to single any one person out, you know who you are.  It means so much to me that you all have taken such a keen interest in this little endeavor of mine.  I will be thinking about you all ( one thing I will have is plenty of time to think).  Please feel free to message me, as unfortunately I will have my cell phone with me.  Practicality dictates my bringing one.  Text me with any random  thoughts (519 566 9555)

Hasta Luego

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Monday, September 9, 2013

Jill Barber... a modern day Edith Piaf


Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Friday, August 30, 2013

To tiptoe...

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.  Tiptoe if you must, but take your step~  unknown

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Of course the Beatles!!!!

A heated debate... yes i know... but really.  Is there any contest?  THE BEATLES by far rule!
Volume WAY up on this one... Good Evening... from Small Wonders.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm ready......

Probably one of my favourite artists..... Ms Tracy Chapman is in da house....

Volume up

The world needs MORE Tracy Chapman... Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Pilgrimage... My Way


I wanted to give all my "peeps" an idea of what my pilgrimage is all about.  If you watch the above link, you will have a little bit of info as to what the" Camino" is.  I cannot wait to get over there.  I will be there in three weeks time!

September 11 is the day I chose to embark on this journey...

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now playing at Small Wonders.... Breaking Bad

Love, love, love this .  It's taken me a while to come around to liking this show, but so glad that I have...  Just think... a high school chemistry teacher , Walter White,   (Bryan Cranston)  begins to "cook" crystal meth, in order to financially provide for his family, after learning he has little time left to live due to lung cancer.  He partners up with small time drug dealer, Jesse Pinkman (can I get a "yo") and begins to make oooodles of money.  Then of course there is the pregnant, disillusioned wife... The ever-caring brother in law that just so happens to be an agent with the DEA... I know right?  Brilliant... Not to mention all the other secondary characters that add to a talented group of actors... I'm only on Season Two, and already I'm fretting the day where I know things will end after 5 seasons.  Is there anything funnier that a seemingly ordinary  middle aged man cooking meth in his "skivvies".  I think not!

Good evening... from Small Wonders

Thursday, August 1, 2013


More Nina :)  Enjoy... from Small Wonders.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Auntie Bella is getting rather annoyed!!

Little Hamlet is getting a little too frisky, and he has decided to set his sights on Bella.  I firmly believe he is trying to charm her!!  Yep, a three months old his male "instincts" are in full swing! But what makes this sooo funny is the fact that of all the mares here, he has chosen Bella, the least accommodating mare EVER!!  Anyone who knows this mare, knows that Bella doesn't need anyone... never has... never will.  She is so confident in herself, so secure (we could all take a lesson from her). Even more amazing, that as annoyed as she is as of late, she would NEVER hurt Hamlet.  That's how classy she is.  Which is what makes this mare sooo incredibly special to me.  Everyday spent with this herd is such a gift...

Good, good day from Small Wonders

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bookends - I will never tire of this song! Simon & Garfunkel

Time it was and what a time it was it was
A time of innocence a time of confidences
long ago it must be.  I have a photograph\
preserve your memories, they're all that's left of you

Good Day/Evening... from Small Wonders

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hamlet... at Play

Good Evening All!  Yesterday marks three months since Hamlet was born.  My, how he has changed in such a short period of time.  He has such a way about him.  It's difficult to imagine that in not more than a month, he will not be here.  He won't be here to greet me in the morning, with his little, gentle nicker.  He won't be here to play with Mila, when no one else will do so.  He won't be here to bid me good night...   My little man is growing up...I couldn't be happier.   What a polite little gentleman he has turned out to be... 

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My kind of Jazz ... Nina Simone

This women is the reason that Jazz still exists..... have a listen...

Good day... from Small Wonders

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Great News... from Small Wonders

Good day All!  

                        I received some wonderful news from the doctor on Friday!  According to latest scans, it seems that all cancer has left my body !!!!!  Whoo hoo!  I cannot convey how happy this made me.  Erik decided I needed an evening of celebration, so he took me to my favourite restaurant in Essex (Davino's) where we shared a meal of quail and veal, and wine, and desert, and just plain ole "good solid conversation".
So... trying to firm up plans for pilgrimage to Spain, which I hope to do mid to late September.  How lucky am I to be able to do this?

Counting my blessings, every day

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Now Playing-O Brother Where art though?

Such is the brilliance of the Cohen brothers... I'm not sure many people know this movie, but I can guarantee that anyone who watches this will not  be disappointed.  It's one of the funniest movies EVER!  George Clooney, not only easy on the eyes, has this amazing natural comedic sense about him.  WHO KNEW?  I won't go into plot details, other than to say it's loosely based on Homer's "The Odyssey"  (I kid you not)  And the music is fantastic.  My husband refers to it as "old-timey.  Sure to get the feet tappin'   Have a listen

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Little Man.... Hamlet

Love, love, love this colt.  I cannot tell you how special this little guy is to me.  I cannot wait to get outside in the morning, and see how he is.  He is the first one to greet me out in the field... without fail.  And I've been able to get a halter on him now, everyday for about a week!!  For those of you who know horses, you know what a challenge, this seemingly simple task can be.  He really is starting to trust me.  We've also had   our first "leading" lesson, and he did quite well.  Yes, he did rear up a little, but not really.... lol  
  Also... he is the last horse I see at night before going to bed....  Loving life...such as it is.  Good, good evening... from Small Wonders

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Last Treatment Y'all!!!!

So... it is the Eve of my last Chemo and I have to say I'm pretty geeked to get these things done and over
with.  The sooner they're done, the sooner I can start radiation, and THEN, I will be finished.  I've been pretty fortunate as far as being able to ride and show.  I've missed a few shows, but I've done a few as well, so I really can't complain.  Bella  and Roo have really taken care of me this season :)
I have to say this round has been incredibly difficult.  More so than what I was prepared for.  But I've had some amazing people by my side, throughout it all.  And I've had some people who should have been there, and they were not.  I'm not quite sure why that is, but I've also learned this time around that it's not for me to worry about these people.  As Paulo Coelho tells us "When God closes a door, he opens a window".
So, depending on how my scans go next week, I will be able to start planning my hike in Spain.  I can pick a date, book my fare, and start to train.  I should be gone for about 35 days all told.  Nervous, but more excited then anything really.  I hope to go late September, early October.  It's good to have long term goals, as it gives your life meaning, and to look forward to your future.  To step out of your comfort zone, and to be a little "unnerved".  To test yourself, to challenge yourself, and to meet people that you normally wouldn't ever consider socializing with.  That to me is what it means to "put yourself out there", and while I may not complete my task at hand, I won't ever know unless I try.

Good Evening, from Small Wonders

Friday, June 28, 2013

Latest read

When critics say this is "one of the greatest books of our time" how can you not be excited for this read?    This is Frankl's memoir of life in Nazi death camps.  I know,  a morbid tale,  but Frankl manages to argue that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it and to find meaning in it.  I cannot put this book down.....

Good evening... from Small Wonders

Thursday, June 27, 2013

When I'm in a funk...

When things are not quite right, or something is amiss in my life,  this is the book I turn to. It gets me back on "track" so to speak.  Two of My favourite quotes...

"You will never be able to escape from your heart so it's better to listen to what it has to say"

"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.   And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of it's dreams because every second of the search is a seconds' encounter with God and with eternity"

How kool is that? And... case in point. Mr Coelho is one of the bestselling authors on this planet,  and he didnt write his first book until the age of forty. Hmmmmm

Everyone should read this book at some point in time. 

Good Evening... from Small Wonders

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Romp This Evening...

I always  finish my day with a visit to the  ponies, with the dogs.  It's a habit that I started when we first moved here, and have managed to keep.  It's good going to bed knowing that the horses are safe, and all is well.  Plus it gives me a chance to get a few more "pets" in before the day is over.  Oh...  I almost forgot, today marks 8 weeks since the colt (Hamlet) was born.  It's amazing how much he has grown, and matured in 2 months time.  He has an injury to his leg right now, so he is not quite himself, but I'm keeping an eye on him.  He\s quite the trooper though.  He's pretty tough, and really really sensible.  I'm not worried about him at all.  I figure he has another 2 months here, before he goes to his other home.  I hate to think about that day... I'm sooooo going to miss him.  But not thinking about that just yet.  I still have the summer with him.

Good Evening, from Small Wonders.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gratitude is most important

Today was such an amazing day. Did a horse show this morning with rock star "Wind Diva". She worked so well for me today.  And we had such a great time!  Then we got home and had a nice cold cervesa! 

Then, because the rule of thumb regarding hay is..... you will always do hay on the hottest days of summer, Erik and I put a wagon of hay up in the loft.

It was a long tough day but I wouldnt trade it for anything.  Good evening..... from Small Wonders :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Oh Hemm...

 I'm going through a Hemingway phase just now.  Not sure why, as I've read him before.   Regardless, I am loving life right now, having the time to read.  I'm such a lucky girl..

Good Evening, from Small Wonders.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday... at Small Wonders (Good Day)

I know... I know...

I got sooo carried away this morning with the camera.... But I had so much fun... My inner " photographer" took over, and I found myself working for National Geographic, trying to get the best pic... Thank God for the digital camera.... I had sooo much fun doing this... Kind of forgot about "stuff" for a while, which is ALWAYS a good thing....

Good Evening from Small Wonders....